Ethan Guagliardo, PhD

Sessional Instructor

English and Cultural Studies
Office: CCS 351B

Research Summary

Renaissance literature, Milton, Shakespeare, political philosophy and theology, classical reception, temporality, horror

Courses & Teaching

English literature, composition, theory


Ethan John Guagliardo received his PhD in early modern literature from the University of Notre Dame in 2015. Prior to coming to UBCO, he was an assistant professor of English literature at Bogazici University in Istanbul from 2015-2022. He is currently finishing one book project, “The Aesthetics of Majesty in Renaissance England,” and in the beginning stages of another on eternity and temporality in early modern English literature.

Selected Publications & Presentations

“Spenser in Turkey: For a Syllabus of Errors,” Spenser Studies (forthcoming, 2024)

“The Experience of Authority: Hamlet and the Political Aesthetics of Majesty,” English Literary Renaissance 51 (2021): 476-502.

“These Ancient Forming Powers: Fulke Greville’s Dialectic of Idolatry,” in Fulke Greville and the Literary Culture of the Renaissance (Oxford University Press, 2018), 227-44.

“The Political Atheology of George Puttenham and Fulke Greville,” Modern Philology 112 (2015): 591-614.

“The Poet, the Skeptic, his Witches and their Queen: Political Theology and Poetic Charms in Sidney’s Defence,” English Literary History 81 (2014): 733-56.


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